
Beauty Tips

On this Lifestyle webpage I write blogs with tips and inspirations on dilemmas we all have to deal with, related to beauty. Think about; getting grey hairs, getting wrinkles and treat my skin, how to deal with my changing weight and aging in general. But also how do I stay active? By walking, going to the gym, exercise in the gym or not, surf and many more. Thoughts about; do I need botox or do I stay natural?

As a single women in my early fifties, I experienced a lot of mental and physical hurdles. Let’s put it this way. As I experienced in my life, all issues are relative but that is what you learn over the years. Our body is changing but it is all relative in the hope you we stay healthy and happy. And for one thing for sure, nobody is perfect! I hope with my blogs, I will inspire you to deal with the basic “problems” we all have to deal with.

I’m not a doctor or a specialist but here you can find dilemmas we all face and suggestions how other people deal with these topics. I hope you can relate to my blogs. More lifestyle blogs can be found under Mind or Style. Don’t forget to check my Food section with great recipes and my love for travel at Travel with a lot of travel destinations!


Why Weight Lifting is Good for You?!

Why Weight Lifting is Good for You?!

When I’m in a healthy modes I practice a lot of sports. I work out in the gym; for me the gym means fitness, working with dumbbells and fitness machines. Next to this I run mainly in the weekend; love run in the morning before breakfast to burn fat (read my blog on...

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Inspirations to Change your Lifestyle

Inspirations to Change your Lifestyle

I had a very inspiring presentation from Tamara de Weijer. Some background on Doctor de Weijer, doctor indeed she is a general practitioner. But what was it that triggered me in this 1,5 hour session was the way she presented it; very honest and vulnerable but with...

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Environ Skin Care: Go or no Go?!

Environ Skin Care: Go or no Go?!

First of all; like all my recommendations on my website, these product are not sponsored! I’m just enthusiastic and like to inspire other people with my way of living. A couple of years ago by accident run into the products of Environ. I had brought a Groupon for a...

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Activated Charcoal Toothpaste: Go or no Go?!

Activated Charcoal Toothpaste: Go or no Go?!

I the magazine I got from the local Vitamin Store, I saw an advertisement of charcoal toothpaste. I’m an innovator and like to try new things so thought; Why not? Whiter teeth sound great, right!? Not that I'm unhappy with the color of my teeth, they are not yellow or...

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Fittergy Sport Fasting (Sportvasten)

Fittergy Sport Fasting (Sportvasten)

As I already told you, I have a love hate relationship with food. I love it so much, especially my sweets, but I hate the results; gaining weight and not feeling fit. I have found a perfect way to reset myself, a kind of detox treatment. This way I kick off my sugar...

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How I handle my Grey Hairs!

How I handle my Grey Hairs!

Hmmm this is a topic for probably many women and men. We all at some point have to deal with the grey hairs or get bold. For me the grey hairs appeared around the age of 4o, but I started to dye my hair two years later. A friend of mine who is my hairdresser for years...

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Mascara issues?

Mascara issues?

Are you just like me always wondered why in summer and on warm holidays my mascara always works better than in wintertime?! Grrrr!! I don't use a lot of make-up to be honest. Only some eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner. No foundation, only some brown powder in winter....

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More Lifestyle Inspirations