by admin | Nov 4, 2018 | Dinner
During the colder months of the year I love to make stews (stampot in Dutch). I make them in the vegetables that are available and at hand in the supermarket; normally cheap and fresh from the farmland. This stew recipe is including kale, celeriac and sweet potato....
by admin | Nov 4, 2018 | Breakfast
It’s getting colder and colder and I’m not too keen to prepare the healthy ice bowls at the moment. After my Sunday run today I made myself a breakfast that helped me through the whole day; Oatmeal!! Oatmeal is super healthy and helps you lose weight too....
by admin | Oct 14, 2018 | Breakfast
It’s getting Autumn!! Time to eat different kinds of foods. I try to eat the seasonal veggies and fruits; cheaper and fresher than eating strawberries all year. I run into the figs in the supermarket and thought make a dish out of that. Figs are super healthy,...
by admin | Aug 21, 2018 | Dinner
I get my inspiration during my travels around the world. During my travels to South and Middle America I got inspired to use more beans in my dishes. The beans are rich of proteins so good after going to the gym. I made my own healthy recipe where I use less carbs and...
by admin | Aug 21, 2018 | Breakfast
Here in the Netherlands we don’t have the original tropical and exotic fruits at hand. We can get them in the special stores but most of the time they are expensive if you already can find and get them. One of my favorite fruits is the passion fruits or...