When I’m in a healthy modes I practice a lot of sports. I work out in the gym; for me the gym means fitness, working with dumbbells and fitness machines. Next to this I run mainly in the weekend; love run in the morning before breakfast to burn fat (read my blog on making the switch). And on non-sports days, I walk to work which is half hour each way; one hour a day. It is good to combine cardio and strength. Now I want to add a yoga class, for my stretch and mind too, but have to see how I can add than to may routine. Like I said, my activity depends on my mindset, eating habits and period of the year. I’m writing this blog to help myself and others to motivate and inspire to follow a healthier lifestyle. You can find more my Food inspirations here, this blog is focused on why you should add Weight Lifting in your fitness routine.
10 Reasons to Practice Fitness and Weight Lifting:
1. Reduce Body Fat
Weights lifting will help you to lose weight. The muscles you train and gain will burn mainly fat and the best thing is that you will keep burning fat all day. They say that with practicing fitness you burn more fat than cardio!
2. Increase Muscle Mass
If you are weight lifting you increase you muscle mass and your body will look more defined and lean. Try to eat more proteins to increase the muscle mass. That is way body builders are drinking these protein shakes.
3. Getting Stronger
By creating more muscles by weight lifting, your body get stronger and stronger. Of course you have to increase the weights in your exercises. I feel that I build strength very fast, which is very motivating and challenging. Adding another 2,5 or 5 kilo to the bar; YESSS! And getting stronger and increase my leg muscles, my running get better too; uphill even more!
4. Strengthen Your Bones
The muscles are attached to the bones, this way you can move your body. The cells within these bones react on the movements by creating new bone cells. This is how the strength and density of the bones increase over time. Lifting heavy weights not only maintains bone mass but can even build new bone and prevent injury. Yoga is bone strengthening too!
Change your training schedule now and then; not only for not getting bored of the training but to challenge your muscles too.
5. Feel Happier
Seeing by body changing and becoming more firm, makes me happy. And the endorphins start to work! The endorphins have a pain-relieving effect, reduces stress and works anti-depressant on humans. That is why endorphins are called the feel- good hormone. Next to this it increase the antidepressant chemicals in the brain like dopamine and serotonin.
6. Energy level
Sporting in general and also weight lifting will give you more energy. Next to the good hormones that are released, the heart muscles has to work hard which gives the body more oxygen and energy.
Find yourself a good gym to practice and with professional staff that will support and help you during your training.
7. Good Posture
By strengthening the muscles in your back, you will create more balance. And balance will give you a good posture. Practice all the muscles in your body to create that balance and don’t forget the back; one of the biggest muscle in you body. You see some people in the gym that forget to train their legs and focus mainly on the upper body.
8. Increase Metabolism
Working out with weights will increase the metabolism. Metabolism is the way your body processes food, the food gives you energy but uses energy to digest the food too. That is way food is important for your body and metabolism. By weight lifting, the muscles uses energy and stimulating the metabolism. The main importance is that muscles uses more energy than fat, so changing fat into muscles is a big gain!
9. Increase Immune Systems
Exercise and weight lifting improves and increase your overall fitness, which can result in a better immune system. I think that food is an important factor to boost your immune system too. And if you feel not well, don’t overburden oneself. Listen to your body!
10. Sleep Better
People who train with weights fall asleep faster, deeper and more consistent throughout the night. And this is what I experience myself as well!
I prefer to work out in the gym and not join classes. Why? For the classes I’m stuck to time limitations, for example 17:30 class start, while I could still be busy at work. I prefer to go directly after work and go to the gym and that could be 17:45 or 18:15; no limitations but need discipline!!