
In this Lifestyle I’m writing about different topics like; Style, Beauty and Mind. As a single women in my early fifties, I experienced a lot of these topics. I need to say I’m not official an expert or doctor in any of these lifestyle areas, but I hope I can inspire you with my life experience. All topics are women related where I think many women can identify themselves with. I’m very open and will express myself in a vulnerable way. I hope you can relate to these topics I discuss here. Please let me know your feelings on my blogs and what your experience is so we can learn from eachother!

Don’t forget to check my Food section with great recipes and my love for Travel containing a lot of travel destinations with tips, recommendations and photo inspirations!

In the About Me page you can find my contact details.

Tidy Life Tidy Mind Mind Health

More blogs on lifestyle

Charcoal Toothpaste Go or no Go? Healthy Body and Mind Tips and inspirations

Activated Charcoal Toothpaste: Go or no Go?!

I the magazine I got from the local Vitamin Store, I saw an advertisement of charcoal toothpaste. I’m an innovator and like to try new things so thought; Why not? Whiter teeth sound great, right!? Not that I'm unhappy with the color of my teeth, they are not yellow...

From boring to awesome notebooks, Creativity Tips and inspirations Blog

From Boring to Awesome Notebooks!

You probably think what is Mirja talking about, but I mean by doing small things you can make a big change!! In this instance I used the boring notebooks I received at a seminar; logo of the company pressed in the front of the notebook and the colors are not really...

Being Creative with Lettering Book; Creativity Tips and inspirations Blog
Mind, Style

Loving Lettering

I love to do hand lettering! What is hand lettering you wonder? It is an art of drawing letters, it is not calligraphy. With calligraphy you are writing and with hand lettering you are drawing. That is a big difference; with calligraphy you write the letters at...

Insight with nature for blog Business; Business and Mind Tips and Inspirations Blog

The four Insights color Energies

I had the privilege to take and assessment with the Insights® Discovery tool. The outcome of the 30 minutes assessment was striking. How do they know me after a couple of questions!! By learning the system I find it very useful to read and understand other people...

Change your lifestyle, Body Health blog with Tips and Inspirations
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Inspirations to Change your Lifestyle

I had a very inspiring presentation from Tamara de Weijer. Some background on Doctor de Weijer, doctor indeed she is a general practitioner. But what was it that triggered me in this 1,5 hour session was the way she presented it; very honest and vulnerable but with...

Learning from Netflix Mind; Body and Mind Health blog with Tips and Inspirations

Learning from Netflix

Netflix is indeed for many of us a great addiction. Hours after hours behind the TV, IPad or other mobile device in bed, on the couch or wherever you are. I felt a bit guilty I had to admit, of course it is great entertainment and there is enough to see even...