Environ Skincare: Go or no Go? Healthy Body and Mind Tips and inspirations

Environ Skin Care: Go or no Go?!

First of all; like all my recommendations on my website, these product are not sponsored! I’m just enthusiastic and like to inspire other people with my way of living. A couple of years ago by accident run into the products of Environ. I had brought a Groupon for a skin treatment at a local clinic. I was treated very well and the treatment had great effect on my skin. The women asked me what kind of day and night cream I used. I told her that back then I used the latest Lancome day and night cream. I always bought the latest version of what I saw in the magazines and on the television. The flashier, shinier the casing and package was, I bought it as an innovator. And to be honest the product were not cheap, you could say expensive, up to 100 EUR per casing; all the best for my skin of course! Ludy Holst the owner and founder of the Van Lennep Kliniek, advised me to start with the Dual Action Pre-cleansing Oil and Vita-Antioxidant AVST Moisturiser 1, to start. Only two steps, otherwise the change of my daily routine was too much back then.

It looks like a lot of work twice day, but it’s part of a daily routine now. In the shower I use the Oil and the Cleanser Gel (replaced the lotion to the gel, which is much fresher), this saves time!

Vitamin A

On the Environ website you can read what Dr Des Fernandes, founder of Environ, says:

“Aging skin is a direct result of sun-induced vitamin A deficiency. Correct the deficiency and you’ll have more radiant-looking skin.

Everything that defines healthy-looking, beautiful skin is a direct result of vitamin A. It is the only known molecule that helps keep the skin healthy and helps to provide anti-aging benefits. Vitamin A is the only scientifically known element that keeps skin healthy and combats the effects of aging. It has been proven that sufficient vitamin A: has a moisturising factor, strengthening the effects of the skin’s outer layer, stimulates the production of natural protein, helps the skin’s immune system and helps prevent the appearance of breakouts and reducing the likelihood of the development of potential skin cancers. This results in a skin that is looking healthy, glows and firm; you look younger, fresher with fewer wrinkles!!

Environ Step-Up System

The core Environ skin care products are based on Environ’s own Vitamin STEP-UP SYSTEM™; Created to help skin become more comfortable with increased levels of vitamin A, antioxidants and other ingredients from one level to the next so that skin can be reborn and look healthy and beautiful. After using 2 to 3 containers of the AVST 1, you can go to the next AVST 2, use 2 to 3 containers of this stage product before moving to the next. Continue to the highest level of vitamin A (AVST 5) and other healthy skin essential nutrients.

Vita-Peptide C-Quence Serum works with the same Vitamin STEP-UP SYSTEM™. This serum contains a high concentration of vitamin A, C and E that helps to support and maintain a radiantly youthful appearance. The combination of highly effective ingredients, like peptides, in this serum work well together to help combat the visible signs of aging. Peptides are chains of amino acids that are the building blocks of proteins in the skin. When peptides form a long chain of amino acids, they become proteins. When they are in a short chain of amino acids, they are able to penetrate the top layer of our skin and send signals to our cells to let them know how to function. An important protein in our skin is collagen. Collagen gives your skin thickness and suppleness. When collagen breaks down in the skin; from age and sun, wrinkles will form. Peptides applied to the skin can send signals to create new collagen. This way you create a more youthful, supple skin and that is exactly what I need unfortunately.

 My Experience

Since the beginning of using the Environ products I noticed that my skin had become smoother, younger and more radiant. During the years, I started to use more and more Environ products; added a Toner to the product line, than an additional Cleanser Lotion/Gel. When I reached AVST 5, I started to add Vita-Peptide C-Quence Serum. This serum works that same as the AVST line; you can step up in vitamin concentration, using stage 3 at the moment. And of course don’t forget to add the Sun Care, the main harm to you skin is the sun, so protect it with care! This sun protector RAD™ SPF15 I put on my face and neck at last. I apply all twice a day in the morning and evening, except the SPF15 of course. You can buy the products only via a special clinic and not online, this way you will always be advised in the next  steps you have to take in order to create the best skin results.

When I go on holiday or in summer here, the RAD™ SPF15 is not sufficient and I use a separate sun care with a much higher Sun Protection Factor (SPF 30 to 50).


If I buy the whole line I’m using now I spend ~300 EUR, which is a lot right?! The prices differ per product, the oil is 26 EUR and the Vita-Peptide C-Quence Serum 3 is 115 EUR. Some products I can use for longer than half a year and compared to the way I treaded my skin before it definitely less expensive. The products are so pure and effective. You don’t pay the costs of commercials on TV, magazine or actresses. The products have no fancy lay out, smell and color. In the Environ AVST cream you can even smell the Beta Carotene, so you got the feeling its good. And the results are great, I am very happy with the products and the way my skin looks like and feels at my age. I receive a lot of complements too, that says something. I am glad I run into this product a couple of years ago, it saved me some years in my looks too!!

If you think the whole line I use is too much work and money; you can start with fewer products but better and richer of vitamin A than the ones you are probably using at the moment.

Ok……….., I just gave you one of my most important Beauty Secret!!! Check here how I handle my grey hair…

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