Tips before you travel to El Salvador

Tips before you travel to El Salvador

I traveled to El Salvador after Honduras, it was an easy transition. At similar cost, maybe even cheaper, Spanish speaking country, same kind of food and kind people. I experienced that El Salvador is less touristy than neighbor Guatemala. El Salvador is usually...
Travel Tips to Keep Safe

Travel Tips to Keep Safe

Of course I heard some stories during my travel that tourist that have been robbed. You have to be alert for example in South (like Colombia and Peru) and Central America (like Mexico, Nicaragua and El Salvador), they are poor countries and a lot of locals don’t...
Write a Journal

Write a Journal

Since I was a little kid I already wrote a travel journal during my travels with my family. I kept on writing when I was traveling alone. You will realize that you forget so many funny and typical things that cannot be covered by pictures. Reading back through your...
Ten Solo Travel Tips

Ten Solo Travel Tips

You really get to know yourself and getting out of your comfort zone when you are traveling solo. You have to deal with your own thoughts and mood swings. You really have to entertain yourself and donโ€™t feel sad or alone. By traveling solo for all those years I can...